Tuesday 31 July 2012

Living my Best Life

Living my best life    -  published 31 July 2012

In my early-twenties, a career counselor asked me what my five year Life/Career plan was. In later years, I heard this question repeated many a time. I recall even on dates asking where I was planning to be in five years time….

Some are fortunate and know exactly what they want to do and with clear focus move towards their goal post.  I was not a person with a calling THEN. In hindsight, I probably resembled a leaf fluttering in the wind, often changing life/career directions.

It was only recently that I had the confirmation from one of my ‘teachers’ that a time frame on goals was setting yourself up for potential failure.

Dreams and goals are to be encouraged, providing you can accept that these can change as you grow as a person or your life circumstances change. Changing a goal or letting go of a dream, does not mean failure.
How do we KNOW what is simply pie in the sky, or actually possible, when we decide to pursue our DREAM LIFE?

I came across a book by BOB GREENE “Living my best Life”.
The five points are quoted from his book – the interpretation is my personal view:
1)   Build a REALISTIC vision of your Life.
Literally see yourself in your DREAM life in 3D.
All the details, in full colour, REALISTICALLY.
See the house, see the office, the signage of your business, the car, the spouse, the children the dog and the picket fence
2)   Do a WORTHINESS check – as you go through all the details of your VISION – feel what happens to your body.  Does your body give you excitement confirmation of this possibility or does your body tell you clearly that this does NOT fit/feel right.  Be honest with yourself – DO I believe I deserve to have this? Be sure to get a clear YES.
3)   Identify the BARRIERS (not the excuses)
e.g.  discomfort/pain = break through these
What will hold me back from living this life? Am I willing to put in the required effort?  Physical or otherwise -
If this life will make me uncomfortable – examine this.
If this life will cause me/or my loved ones, pain – identify this. Living this life needs to be ECOLOGICAL.
You might need to let go of your current job or relationship. This step is the hardest part for most.  To stay in a relationship/work even if it makes me miserable, instead of facing/risking the unknown, is really TOUGH. It is in this frame of mind that we need to get out of our heads and listen to our hearts.  The voice in your head will talk you out of it, if you stay in your head.  The ‘knowing’ in your heart, is what will guide you, as to what is the right choice for you.
Stay true and completely honest with yourself.
5)   Put YOURSELF FIRST (get the support you need)
Most of us have been raised to do the opposite. We consider everyone else and the expectations of family and society in our choices.  In order to Live you Best Life, you need to be your own best friend.  You will be able to give so much more to all those that need you, as you can be the BEST of who you can BE. Very few can do this without support.  Look around your life and notice who has been there throughout.  You might be surprised to realize that people who love you, have been waiting for you to finally find the courage to Live the Life you know you are meant to LIVE.

 Karin Engman     LIFE COACH (NLP Practitioner)     Bioscience  Centre    Ermelo  082 7246985

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