Friday 23 August 2013

Just for Today

JUST FOR TODAY -   August 2013
Being in the SUMMER of my life, at the age of 51, my sense is that in the WINTER of our life the view is very different. Yes, there is the Autumn to prepare for Winter, yet the changes of the seasons of life are surprisingly quick. Life does not come with any guarantees. There will have been disappointments as well as failures - there will also have been celebrations and successes. The only certainty in life is: God willing, if we are privileged, we all grow old.   When the time has come, where you look mostly to what HAS BEEN instead of what is to come – and our physical body has (as my father says) run out of spare parts – we need to be brave and strong.  To grow old gracefully, I believe, is one of life’s greatest challenges. To get through the hardest journey in life, we need to take only one step at a time – but we MUST keep on stepping! Each one of us is a unique God’s creation. That YOU is ageless. Regardless of the season you are currently in. We all need to live in acceptance of what has been and what is now. The art of living in the NOW….. this is when you really KNOW that you are alive…..this is when you feel that JOY to be alive!!!! Only then are we able to see the gift of being alive…..  Just for today – let me notice that I am still me – regardless of what my body has become. My soul is ageless – my spirit can soar and sing and dance and fly…..if I choose this today! Just for today!
Karin Engman    Laleli Holistic Life Coach and Motivational Speaker    072 1896951

Thursday 1 August 2013

New Beginnings 2 August 2013

New Beginnings        2 August 2013
A blank canvass – clean brushes, fresh palette and  a rainbow of colours    is how I felt when I received the link to a video today: “the best coin I ever spent”.  The setting is a large square in a city in Europe. A cello player dressed in suit and bow tie stand motionless with his hat on the floor.  A young girl walks towards him and places a coin in the hat.  He starts playing.  Soon another violinist joins him and plays, then another three and more and more until a full orchestra is playing.  The crowd starts gathering and enjoying the music until suddenly the crowd turns into a massive choir that sings in magnificent harmony.  The hair on my arms stood straight up and tears welled up in my eyes at the sheer beauty of this sound.  As we each make the decision to join a co-operation in uplifting the human spirit – together we can be awe inspiring.  It requires individuals (you and me) with a common intention to produce a community that lifts the spirit!
Karin Engman    072 1896951     
Laleli Holistic          Motivational Speaker and Life Coach
Published in the brand new Ermelo Insight/Insig

Leadership 30 July 2013

Leadership   30 July 2013
Each one of us, in perhaps smaller capacity, will be in a position of leadership during his/her life time.  Leadership comes with responsibility and opportunity to bring HOPE. 
As a parent or in a position of teaching, we have the opportunity to cultivate good leadership. The future lies in the hands of the children.  By example we lead but with guidance we teach!
A great leader will have a strong relationship with God and a healthy relationship with him/herself. It requires letting go of the bitterness of the past, to find the sweetness of Spirit.  Here we find a deep sense of peace and optimism as a new light is born out of the circumstances of the past. Like little streams that gather into a river, each one of us can guide and lead our own family, our own community and contribute to a great country.  Each one of us in our small way contributes toward the greater good of all. You are either part of the solution or part of the problem.
A worthy leader is a person with qualities of integrity. A person people look up to and admire. It requires strength and conviction without the expectation of glory. Many of us have developed, through life circumstances, a resistance to authority. With the loss of respect of leaders of the past and present it is time to break the EGO mould and find hope within ourselves as a starting point.  
Find out who you are and be brave enough to be that person, that soul that God has put on this earth. God has created each one of us with gifts and potential. Live your Truth and be at peace with who you are and the rest will come.     
Karin Engman     Life Coach and Motivational Speaker    082 7246985