Thursday 28 November 2013

Birthin NEW ideas

Birthing NEW Ideas     
Humour me a little longer with a continuation of the previous weeks’ thoughts…..
         “I am no greater than the thoughts I think”.  How EFFECTIVE are we in our BUSY modern way of life? Have we exchanged Effectiveness for Busy-ness?  I very seldom take the time to make a phone call just to say ‘Hi’.  Luckily I have a brother who does…. Bless you Friedoline!  Well, in part it is also cost related…. In essence it’s really about taking the TIME. As the saying goes – giving your time is the most precious gift you have.
        As we run from A to B and back again – do we still have time to be creative?  I am not talking about painting a still-life on canvass.  I mean:  do you still pay attention to your creative thoughts?  Our enthusiasm and joy for living will diminish without creativity. We need to stay fresh and current, we need to grow and invent. It can be the same job, the same life, the same relationships…. with a fresh approach…. a little inspiration!
       Bishop TD James uses the analogy of being pregnant.  We are all pregnant with ideas already! It is how we have been created!  We all have many little seeds of creativity popping up all the time.  Think about the most successful business you know. It started as an IDEA, a thought! The success is not the person who had the thought, nor the building that houses the business, not even the product!  The success is the initial THOUGHT, the initial seed, the initial idea. The nurturing and cultivating of that seed results in the reward of the fruit or the flower.
        Ideas are the birthing place for opportunity, but it does require a brave heart to start off with.  It requires self-belief and self-worth!  It requires your attention, nurturing and cultivating.  It requires perseverance and Trust and Faith! How many ideas have you allowed to be born?
       Your Ideas spring from your inner most being, your soul.  As humans, we long to be creative, each in our own unique way.  It is what makes us feel truly alive!
Karin Engman       Laleli Life Coach and Motivational Speaker    072 1896951

Friday 15 November 2013

My Thoughts feed my Soul 15 November 2013

My Thoughts feed my Soul     15 November 2013
I am delighted to have Oprah back in my life!! Although I have MANY American based issues personally, I love her style and her passion for her work.  Have you watched Super Soul Sunday?
   My introduction to Bishop TD James just blew me away!  I am not one for the Rah-Rah, as my friend Di puts it…but looking past the profuse sweating, spitting  and shouting, as he builds up to his crescendo – his message made a LOT of sense to me. This is my interpretation of his “Life Class”
      Relationships – Relationships – Relationships! Most important, the relationship with Self. Am I really honest with myself?  Am I denying a part of who I am?  The more I push it away – the stronger this part will fight to be recognized and acknowledged. 
     We tend to project our Ideal Self when we meet someone and somehow manage to keep up ‘the imagine’ for the longest time, even into a Life partnership agreement. (Marriage or Business) I believe this is mostly unconscious, as we really do aspire to be this person we project.   It is only after the ‘honeymoon’ phase passes, that we start showing our REAL self!  As the Bishop says:  One morning you wake up and wonder:  who is this person next to me?  This leads to obvious unhappiness and strife and usually ends in going our separate ways.  
    When we meet people:  Who are they attracted to, who are we attracted to?  A projected illusion?  We can’t hope to find THE ONE until we get on the path back to the authentic self, our Core.  
      “Your power is not where you are now – it is where you have been”. It is time to get rid of the clutter, guilt and shame – so that we can recognize the gifts of all the lessons we have already learnt.  Past hurt/disappointment/guilt are the lessons of growth. It is part of who we are! This is what makes us human, this is what makes us attractive and makes us the perfect life partners for that special person. Regardless of the muffin top and the cards of imperfections dealt to us, it requires creative out of the box thinking, to make the best of it! It really is quite funny – we take ourselves FAR too seriously!
      It is our choice to create a new space of freshly toiled soil, to sow the seeds of our creative IDEAS and INSPIRATIONS (based on our thoughts).  We choose who we cultivate within.
        LIVE YOUR REAL LIFE NOW – BE THE REAL YOU NOW – stop wasting precious time – you are missing your life!  Time is irreplaceable – you need to maximise what you have now – acknowledge what you have now. Why are we so needy to hear the praise of what others think?  Those are other peoples’ thoughts.  If we search for someone to like our thoughts, we put our destiny into the hands of someone else. Feed yourself with your own thoughts of approval and self-worth.
“I am no greater than the thoughts I think .”   Invite the Spirit of Grace and Gratitude and smell the freshly prepared soil as you sow the seeds!    
 Karin Engman   Laleli Life Coach and Motivational Speaker     072 1896951

Thursday 7 November 2013

Despite adversity - Attitude is a choice 8 November 2013

Despite adversity - Attitude is a choice
My nephew Nicholas Dedekind was diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease.  Within a year he became legally blind.  Despite the terrible shock and adjustment for him, his brother and parents, he kept his head held high and his family remained strong. 
   Yes, there were dark days of tears and despair, but I have never heard him complain, not even once.  His kind and caring heart and his sense of humour have remained unchanged.  He chose to stay in his mainstream school and has completed Grade 8, this year, with the achievement of merits academically and also received the athlete of the year award for his age group, despite his disability.  This past Sunday he was awarded the Overcomers Award from the school, in a special church service attended by 2500 plus people.  He received a standing ovation and caused many tears.  He truly is a remarkable and inspiring young man.  Nicholas is facing his challenge with a positive attitude that would make any parent very proud.
   As such, it is a choice, for all of us to decide, do we want to make excuses or do we  take life head on with all the challenges we face.  With a positive attitude you can do anything you set your heart on.  Let Nicholas be an inspiration to everyone who reads this article. 

Monday 4 November 2013

Ermelo Animal Rescue Society

The Gift of Nature 1 November 2013

The Gift of Nature   1 November 2013
At this time of year, the extravaganza of the Iceberg Roses is simply breath taking, especially in a large grouping.  First the buds are filling out with the promise….then from one day to the next, they are all flowering!  What a joy!  It lights up the entire space!
       Today is my father-in-laws’ (lives in Sweden) birthday!  Grattis Borje! He is like a breath of fresh air, when it comes to seeing and appreciating nature. He would love the show the roses are putting on this year!
    I am reminded of “our life is but a blink of an eye”.  How much do we miss as we hold onto the speed train of our busy lives? Before we know it, our kids are out of the house, then we are middle aged and then we are old…..
    Unless we take the time, we will miss the entire show of Iceberg blooming event! Yes we do see it, it, but do we sit stop and really take it in and rejoice in the beauty? My bed of roses looks like a thousand candles lit up at once. It filled my whole being with so many possibilities, and opportunities.  I am grateful for all that I have, and all the love that surrounds me.  Today I choose to focus on what I have, instead of what I do not have.  Today I choose to appreciate that which I love in others, instead of what I wish I could change.  The perfection of nature is worth ‘pausing’ for just that moment or two.  A reminder, that God is with you – every step of the way.
Karin Engman     life coach and motivational speaker    072 1896951