Thursday 24 October 2013

Bag of Potatoes 25 November 2013

Bag of Potatoes  - Justice vs Forgiveness      25 October 2013
Harvesting your own planted potatoes is a special event. We put in the effort of preparing the field, plant the potatoes and look forward to especially the NEW potatoes. They are all different shapes and sizes!  For the Swedes it coincides with the mid-Summer festival in June.  New Potatoes, Herring and of course Schnapps is the order of the day!  For us it would be around Christmas.  As we plant our ‘potatoes’ in life the harvest is also variable. Next time you open a bag of potatoes, think of all the people that have hurt you or treated you wrong,  in present time and in the past.  There is no denying that there is much injustice and wrong in this world.  In this case, it is the list of injustice done to you, we need to look at. Even the smallest offence counts, if you remember it.  Allocate the size of potatoes according to the degree of hurt you felt. Perhaps some of these potatoes have been in the ground for many years and have grown REALLY large!  Write the name of the person who has hurt or wronged you, onto the potato and put it into a plastic bag.  This bag of potatoes represents the weight you are carrying around, as you hold onto hurt/anger.  Anger tricks you into thinking that JUSTICE will set you free.  The belief of “every dog has its day” or perhaps an “eye for an eye”?  Imagine that you are required to carry this bag of potatoes (even if it is only a few) around with you everywhere you go.  You will have to drive around with it, take it to work/school, walk into shops with it, take it to the dining room, to the kitchen, to the bathroom and even set it down next to your bed, only to pick it up again as you wake up.  You need to keep reminding yourself, not to leave the bag behind…..YOU NEED TO DO THIS FOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS!!  As the days go by, the potatoes sweat in the plastic bag and start to smell bad.  A week down the line, they start getting slimy and nasty.  This is a Joyce Meyer forgiveness illustration.  Only when you have truly forgiven, can you stop carrying the weight of the pain or anger around. The action of forgiveness required is up to you. If you seek help within your religion or find professional help, or do it yourself, is your choice.   Forgiveness does not take place in the material world, it is a spiritual experience. If you wait for the offender to make matters right it would be like sitting in a rocking chair and be very busy rocking back and forth, but you will never get anywhere.  Forgiveness does NOT mean condoning the behaviour.  Forgiveness sets YOU free!  A transformation takes place in your heart, when you no longer need justice but instead harvest the fruits of forgiveness! 
Karin Engman   072 1896951

Friday 18 October 2013

Music feeds the soul 18 October 2013

Music feeds the Soul   18th October
This morning I was feeling depleted and tired – perhaps the end of year fatigue is setting in.  A caring soul had posted the link to a 13 year old girl, Melissa Venema,   playing a solo trumpet piece ‘ Il Silencio”  at a Andre Rieu concert in Europe.  The purity and clarity of the sound played by someone so young, moved me to tears. I watched it three times!  It reminded me of the importance to make time to seek out that, which touches the soul.  In the time of a minute it felt like I had been ‘plugged in’ and recharged! Music does that for me…. What is it for you?  How much effort do you put into feeding your soul?  It goes beyond reading or listening to an inspirational message.  This is about that pure connection that speaks to just you – when you come to a complete stop.  For that moment you are transported away and can’t move.  You need to just listen and drink it in – one note at a time – one moment at a time.  Music is truly a gift from God!  
Karin Engman     Laleli Life Coach and Inspirational Speaker      072 1896951

Friday 11 October 2013

Attitude from Gratitude 11 October 2013

Attitude of Gratitude 11 October 2013
I was recently inspired by the book: Attitude Is Everything for Success by Keith Harrell.
Successful people undoubtedly have great attitudes to life! It is such a pleasure to be around a person who is enthusiastic and has a positive outlook. Some people just have a natural ability to inspire us to go that extra mile – put in our BEST efforts. The secret ingredient I believe, is an ATTITUDE FOR GRATITUDE. Would you really want to go out of your way to please someone who has a poor attitude?

The individuals I am talking about have the attitude of: How may I serve? They are passionate about what they do and it certainly is not self-serving. They feed their positive nature by helping others to improve their lives. Phrases like “What’s in it for me” or “Everyone is against me” certainly are not a part of this attitude....
Think about your own daily interactions. Do you look forward to being around those with GREAT attitudes and look for excuses to stay away from those with a poor outlook on life?

What attitude will you choose today?
Karin Engman Laleli Life Coach and Motivational Speaker 072 1896951

Thursday 3 October 2013

Cycles of Worthiness 4 October 2013

Worthiness Cycles      4 October 2013
Worthiness  ‘wobbles’ seem to come in cycles.  As soon as we feel vulnerable, life sends us all sorts of situations to check our level of self-worth. Very soon, we have all the confirmation we need to start taking everything VERY personally!! Even the person disregarding traffic laws tends to offend me on a personal level!   It is at this point that we need to pay very close attention to the dialogue taking place in our minds. You know, that silent exchange that goes round and round, over and over again? Even if you win all the arguments -  it has a very negative effect, not to mention the stomach acid!  Making a conscious decision to change the inner dialogue can be liberating! You know the:  “your thoughts create your reality”….?  It really works!! Our general LIFE quest is to reach a place of joy – the alternative is a place of despair. We need to participate in life instead of just allowing life to happen to us. Take responsibility for our current life situation and be willing to be pro-active instead of finding something or someone to blame and waiting for ‘them’ to change.
Relationship/marriage challenges often tie in with our level of self-worth. It is those closest to us that facilitate our greatest worthiness tests. It has taken me half a lifetime to recognize how powerful my internal conversations and thoughts are. The ‘worthiness tests’ are an opportunity for introspection.  As our WORTHINESS grows – so does the feeling of Grace and Gratitude to who we were created to be! Your LIFE PURPOSE  is to be YOU!
Karin Engman   072 1896951 
Laleli Holistic Life Coach and Motivational Speaker

Vorfreude Anticipation 27 September 2013

Vor Freude  - Voor   Freugde  - Anticipation      27 September 2013
Life in Ermelo has made this concept a necessity for our little family.  Not only to get though the gruelling winter months, but generally speaking.  Before the winter really sets in, we book and start systematically paying towards our annual beach holiday.  Over the next months we dream and talk about what we will do once we get there.  At the first signs of spring, real anticipation sets in. We start counting the weeks and then the days.  At this resort, the big glass doors of our unit open all the way – and the ocean view is simply breath taking.  At this time of year the whales are passing through.  We can simply sit on the lounge/kitchen steps and watch the fluting, tail slapping and breaching. The sound of the crashing waves, the humidity and the smell of the ocean, clears away all the stresses.  As I write this – we have started packing beach towels, sun dresses, shorts, sarongs and hats.  Our daughter has repacked her big toy box and beach gear, at least three times in the last week.  We can virtually feel the ocean breeze on our skin!  The German expression of “Vor Freude”  (the ‘before’ joy - anticipation) is self-explanatory.  However, we need to participate in creating this Joy.  The child like excitement of REALLY looking forward to something – multiplies the benefit of the actual experience.  It is up to you to create something to look forward to in life! Nature is filled with treasure.  You may find this quiet peacefulness in your garden,  in the mountains or the ocean bringing stillness within  -  it is here that I feel truly connected to our Creator!
Karin Engman    072 1896951
Laleli Motivational Speaking and Life Coach