Monday 18 February 2013

Embracing Autumn

Embracing Autumn   19 February 2013   The Highveld Tribune  Ermelo
      This time of year on the Highveld is actually really beautiful.  The days become milder and the light takes on a softer glow. The change in colour of the leaves into the magnificence of gold, orange and yellow, is a sight to behold. Take a drive down Voortrekker road (Ermelo) in April and allow the beauty of Autumn to lift your spirits.  
      In the past, with my personality type,  I would dread what is coming instead of enjoying what is now. It has been a great learning curve for me to unlearn that which comes naturally to most. Life presents us with much opportunity to focus on the bad instead of on the beautiful.
      At this time of my life (50), with my parents in the autumn (in my opinion 65 – 80) of their lives, that I reflect in gratitude on my life so far. I give thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to learn and prepare for my eventual old age. I believe parents are chosen by God to teach that, which is most important.  Through my parents, I have learnt life lessons that have brought me to my present life of true happiness.   My parents certainly are not perfect, and nor am I. Essentially we are all human beings who make mistakes and behave in less than perfect ways. 
       Autumn gives us the opportunity to make preparations for the inevitable Winter.  In Ermelo we stock up with wood, we clean the fireplace chimney and unpack the Winter clothing. As with the cycles of nature, the cycle of life brings the unavoidable challenges of age.  God willing, in our Autumn years, most are still physically able to take care of themselves and be independent.  This is the time to reflect, complete, forgive and let go, so that we can make space for the time to become still in appreciation for however much time is still gifted to us by God.
       It is my wish, when I am older, that I will be able to look with gratitude for what I did have, for what I did experience, instead of all the imperfections/mistakes of my life.  We can choose the life attitude we live by. Even if many daily experiences are frustrating, and irritating, we can still choose to NOT get stuck there, shift our gaze and find that which is inspiring and beautiful. 
      Some life partners are blessed and have the privilege of growing old together.  This brings opportunities to reach a place of peace with each other, find acceptance of what is and what was.  To forgive each other,  for all the failures and short comings.  To forgive each other,  for all the disappointments and wrong doing.  Forgiveness sets us free!
       Letting go of the less than perfect aspects and instead, remember all the wonderful times, the achievements and the blessings that life did bring. Perhaps remember and tell the other, what you DO appreciate and cherish, and made it a life worth sharing. 
       I am reading the book ‘Cross Roads’ (The Shack)  by Paul Young.  The symbolism of our ‘inner garden landscape’ that we create in our life time really struck me.  Through life experiences we form what we believe is the TRUTH.  It may actually not be The Truth, but we believe this to be true. 
     Ideally one should, earlier in life, be aware as to what inner landscape we are creating. However,  the Autumn time of our lives is a blessing and opportunity to look within and clean up, make order (forgive), do a little bit of landscaping work.

Karin Engman, Life Coach and Motivational Speaker, 072 1896951,

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