Thursday 20 February 2014

Beauty or the Beast 21 February 2014

Beauty or the Beast


          Do you have the ability to see past the ‘beast’ and recognise the ‘beauty’ within others? Are you able to see your own beauty or are you focussed on your negative aspects? To be human we need to have both aspects.  Without sun there is no shadow.  Without night there are no starts visible.


 As in the story, ‘the Beast’ transforms through love, softens and finally believes, that he really is worthy of love. Embracing all of who we are, and believing that we are worthy of Devine love regardless of not being perfect– allows us to love and accept ourselves and only then, can we accept to be loved by another.


          With much ‘Beastliness’ everywhere, we tend to miss the HOPE and the potential that lies within each one of us.  Our ‘aliveness’ will dim slowly but surely, if we choose the negative feed of the world to be our focus.  Like a candle that is oxygen starved. This is a choice we have to make – how bright is your light burning – what ‘fuel’ are you living on?  We need to embrace all of who we are but we have a choice:  where is your focus – on the beauty or on the beast?


         Life enthusiasm, the general hope and expectations, of people world-wide, is very low. What do we do with each opportunity and each day?  It is up to each individual to take action to turn our light UP.  To decide to participate in being alive and to cultivate the beauty within us!  You have the potential and the choices to turn that dimmer switch up to shine brighter.  The brighter you shine, the more positive effect you will have on everything and everyone around you.  Each person you encounter in your day is affected by your light. It is a choice to be an energizer light instead of the oxygen starved light that sucks energy from those they meet. 


 Human beings have the ability to co-operate and to help each other.  We recognise ourselves in each other.  We are created to be compassionate; we have the potential for heroism and are natural vessels for limitless love. 


My prayer today: Give me one pure and holy passion, give me one magnificent obsession, give me one glorious ambition for my life... Allow the Beauty within to shine bright!



Karin Engman    Laleli Life Coach and Motivational Speaker     082 7246985

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