Tuesday 2 July 2013

True Friendship 2 July 2013

True Friendship    2 July 2013 (unedited)
As we scatter across the country or even the world, years might go by without much contact or visits with a friend. Yet, when you meet again, it seems as though you just pick up where you left off.  True Friendship is an amazing gift that spans across time and distance. 
Last year, I was touched by the effort three school friends made to attend my 50th birthday party.  Little did we know that one of us would be faced with saying the toughest ‘goodbye’ to loved ones.  Two of us spent the last days with our friend, literally watching her life slip away. As sad as this situation was it brought the opportunity to reconnect our friendship. I realized that even though our lives differ vastly, the friendship had remained unchanged.
It has been a blessing granted in my sadness of the loss of one friend and in that, the rekindling of few others.  As I started making arrangements to attend her funeral, the light bulb moment came to combine a visit with a friend from long ago.  We had not seen each other for many years and yet it seemed like yesterday. With much laughter and some tears, we reminded each other of heart aches, questionable choices and guardian angel protection on our escapades. As heart breaking as it was to bury a friend, watch her devastated family standing at her graveside - she did say: LIFE MUST CARRY ON.
As we hosted and celebrated the Swedish Midsummer, last weekend, we invited a friend from Zanzibar days.  She has a Swedish Life partner and has moved to the Louwveld  recently. What a perfect opportunity  to rekindle this friendship. Even though we had not seen each other for 12 years, It seemed like last year! Long live the Vikings!
The beauty of friendship brings the ease of camaraderie, shared sense of humour, a meeting of intellect, similar taste in the enjoyment of life.  All that is required is a generous heart….
 May we all be gifted with  true friendship!
Karin Engman    Life Coach and Motivational Speaker   082 7246985   
thehummingbird@vodamail.co.za     www.karin.engman.blogspot.com

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